All American Cambria

Videos - Electronics - Recycling - Dry Cleaning

1306 Tamson - Cambria, CA
all american
Videos - Electronics - Dry Cleaning - Recycling

All American i

n Cambria, California is a family owned business serving our little community with much need services.  We can rent DVDs or VHS movies.  We can pick up electronics accessories, drop off our dry cleaning and even make a few bucks recycling our goods at the recycling center.

All American is the only place in Cambria, CA area that has DVD and VHS rentals and used DVD's and tapes for sale.

All American is the only place in Cambria with a selection of electronic equipment, computer accessories, and much more.

All American is now the owner of the only Recycling Center in the area. 

All American also has a dry cleaning drop off center.

All American is one great place to do business.  I can't begin to tell you all the electronic accessories in the store.  The video selection is great.  Dry cleaning, boy Cambria really needed a good, trustworthy place to drop off our cleaning.  And, now they own the recycling center.

We are fortunate to have people like Rudy and Michelle in Cambria.  My wife and I highly recommend all of their services.

You have to check out their website ALL AMERICAN CAMBRIA. 

We know you will love Rudy and Michelle. When you use one of their business pleaseBE SURE TO TELL THEM BOB AND MARY SENT YOU! 

Excellent Service
creekside gardens
Michelle Rodriguez Owner
creekside gardens cambriaRudy Rodriguez Owner
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